Our volunteers are a diverse bunch. They come to us from the four corners of the globe, different ethnicities, ages, genders, religions, but the one thing they all share is a desire to help. They [...]
Peter: Hi Safi, thanks for letting me interview you on STCP’s Language Exchange. If I remember correctly, your first experience with STC was attending one of our classes at the old CEP building. [...]
Fête des Enfants Following the success of last year, a group of STCP volunteers will participate in the Fête de Enfants Sunday May 26th on the Canal de l’Ourcq. The event, organized by the [...]
STCP’s New Initiative to Help Young Immigrants: the Find Work program According to the OECD, 12% of the French population are foreign-born. However, this does not include all the children of [...]
A Testimonial from Henock: the Football Club! Oui, grand merci à vous et à toute l’équipe STCP, car vous nous donnez l’assurance de mouiller le maillot pour cette équipe. Nous sommes [...]
To Be A Changemaker: Logan Being a change-agent means actively engaging in initiatives and actions that contribute to positive transformation in society. It involves recognizing existing [...]
STCP’s Participation in Eid Event Eid is an Arabic concept signifying a moment of happiness. It can be a birthday (“عید المیلاد Eid el milad”), a nation’s founding anniversary [...]