Our volunteers are a diverse bunch. They come to us from the four corners of the globe, are of different ethnicities, ages, genders, religions, but the one thing they all share is a desire to [...]
A few days before the event, I saw a comic on Instagram. In it, a kid asks his mother to buy him a bubble-making machine. The mother rejects the idea since they lack the funds. Her son accepts it [...]
I found STCP after my first year in Paris. Desiring to put my free time to good use, STCP was my first experience venturing out to serve my community directly — face to face, hand to hand. My [...]
Join us for the Serve The City Paris annual Fête de la Musique Street Party 2024, with eating, dancing, singing and a raffle for our community of volunteers and friends. WHEN: Friday, June 21st, [...]
On May 19th, Serve the City Paris gathered athletes and enthusiastic spectators alike in its first ‘STCP Olympics day’! The afternoon, in collaboration with partner associations and local [...]