Serve the Women Fundraiser

 Serve the Women Fundraiser

by Markela Ndocaj 

On November 10th, 2024 STCP’s Serve The Women project pioneered by Anja, hosted a fundraising event with the support of Fonds Citoyen Franco – Allemand, HOBA and ESI Georgette Agutte. The aim was to raise awareness for the cause and gather the more donations as possible to go towards the financial aid needed to prepare food and drinks for the women and children who live in very dangerous and precarious situations.

The event brought to the attention of all 200 participating guests the reality in which many women go through in the streets of the French capital. In fact, 38 percent of the homeless in Paris are women, and they face countless difficulties on a daily basis due to the potentially minacious encounters they might face and overall social exclusion. STCP Paris is seeing many of these women at times alongside their children in the streets of Paris, who have mostly migrated to escape the intolerable conditions in their originating cities, and has therefore decided to set up a fund for them, specifically.

During the afternoon, the women of Serve The Women have prepared delicious dishes for the guests which led everyone to take a sensorial dive into their special cuisine traditions, which they have honoured with the best attention and kindness. After the meal, the event went on with music and games, out of which one in particular brought everybody together inato enjoying some sane competition: the STCP Raffle Game.

The afternoon ended up being a success and helped raising awareness to the important case, even though the road ahead still highlights the long way to go for which STCP and its volunteers made a commitment to.

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